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Brand New -- eBook (also available in printed format)
Gestalt Therapy Verbatim  $9.95  Frederick (Fritz) Perls
Amazon US                   
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook
Brand New -- eBook (also available in printed format)
Gestalt Therapy Now $9.95  Joen Fagan & Irma Lee Shepherd
Amazon US                   
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook
Brand New -- eBook (also available in printed format)
The Healing Relationship in Gestalt Therapy $9.95  Lynne Jacobs & Richard Hycner
Amazon US                   
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook
Awareness, Dialogue and Process  $9.95  Gary M. Yontef Amazon US                   
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook
Gestalt Therapy Mini-Lectures $5.95  James Simkin (introduction by Erving Polster) Amazon US                   
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook
Nature Heals:  The Psychological Essays of Paul Goodman $9.95  Paul Goodman (edited by Taylor Stoehr)
Amazon US                   
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook
Living at the Boundary:  The Collected Works of Laura Perls $9.95  Laura Perls (edited
by Joe Wysong
Amazon US                   
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook
From Planned Psychotherapy to Gestalt Therapy: Essays and Lectures — 1945 to 1965  Frederick Salomon Perls, M.D.$9.95 Frederick Perls with an introduction by Peter Philippison
Amazon US                   
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook
Between Person and Person: Toward a Dialogical Psychotherapy$9.95  Richard Hycner with an introduction by Maurice Friedman
Amazon US                   
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook
An Oral History of Gestalt Therapy:  Interview with Frederick Perls, Laura Perls, Isadore From,  Erving & Miriam Polster & Elliott Shapiro.  $5.95  Joe Wysong & Edward Rosenfeld
This eBook edition also contains the 1967 James Simkin interview with Frederick Perls and a talk son Stephen Perls delivered at the 100th anniversary of Perls's birthday.  Neither appear in the print edition.
Amazon US
Amazon UK
             Barnes & Noble Nook

A Child's Eye View:  Gestalt Therapy with Children, Adolescents and Their Families  $9.95 Ruth Lampert
Amazon US                   
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook
Dreams & Nightmares:  A Book of Gestalt Therapy Sessions  $9.95  Jack Downing
Amazon US                   
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook
Eve's Daughters:  The Forbidden Heroism of Women  $9.95  Miriam Polster
Amazon US                  
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook

Every Person's Life is Worth a Novel $9.95  Erving Polster
Amazon US                 
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook

Gestalt Approach: An Introduction for Managers and Trainers $4.95 Neil Clark & Tony Fraser  (A publication of Roffey Park Management College)
Amazon US                
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook

Gestalt Therapy:  Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality $9.95 Frederick Perls, Ralph Hefferline & Paul Goodman
Amazon US                 
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook

Gestalt Therapy:  Theory and Practice (2nd Ed.) $9.95  Margaret P. Korb, Jeffrey Gorrell  & Vernon Van De Riet
Amazon US                
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook

Isadore From:  — Retelling the Story — A Special Issue of the International Gestalt Journal.  The contents of this special issue of the includes previously unpublished materials by From, Perry Klepner, Miriam Polster, Michael Vincent Miller and Journal publisher Joe Wysong.  $5.95 Amazon US                   
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook
On the Occasion of an Other $9.95  Jean-Marie Robine
Amazon US                
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook

Opening Doors:  What Happens in Gestalt Therapy  $9.95 Daniel Rosenblatt
Amazon US               
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook

A Population of Selves $9.95  Erving Polster
Amazon US
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook
Self in Relation $9.95 Peter Philippson
Amazon US               
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook

Teaching a Paranoid to Flirt: The Poetics of Gestalt Therapy $9.95 Michael Vincent Miller
Amazon US              
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook
The Gestalt Therapy Book  $9.95 Joel Latner
Amazon US        
Amazon UK              Barnes & Noble Nook