A Copy of Die Erscheinungen des simulatanen Kontrastes und der Eindruck der Feldbeleuchtun, taken from the original of the doctoral dissertation of Lore Posner Perls, July 18, 1932.
We now have available a facsimile reproduction of Laura Posner Perls's doctoral dissertation as originally printed in 1932. At that time in Germany, doctoral students assumed the cost of printing the dissertation.. It is available in an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. You must have a copy of Adobe Acrobat in order to view the file. Free copies for all platforms (Windows, MacIntosh, Unix) are available from the Adobe website. If you need a copy of Acrobat, go here first.
When you download the dissertation, you will be making an FTP (file transfer protocol) download and you will not be able to view the file until the download is complete (unless you already have Adobe Distiller 3.0 installed -- which is an entirely different matter. If you do, you should know of what we speak.) With a 56K modem, the transfer will be take about twenty minutes. With a slower modem, if will take longer.If you would like to download the PDF copy of Laura Perls's dissertation, click here.
This is the first time we've offered a FTP download of this type on this site. If it doesn't work, let us know by sending an E-mail to "Frustration@gestalt.org."
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